For those who didnt listen to the previous AMA, here's a brief summary of answers to the questions from the community.

29 Nov 2022, 16:30
For those who didnt listen to the previous AMA, here's a brief summary of answers to the questions from the community. As always, if you want to bring forward a question to the team for the next AMA, please drop it in the ama-questions channel in our Discord: Q: Could we have a section on Discord for partnered projects? It would be nice to not miss important mints and relevant partner news related to Netvrk. A: This can absolutely be arranged, and will be added very soon, we'll just need to coordinate it with out partners to make sure they will be sharing their announcements in a way that makes it possible for us to automatically show them in our Discord. Q: What time frame are we looking at to get a glimpse of the internal designs of the yacht and jet? A: We previously planned to show this around Halloween, however, we had to re-prioritize our art team to work on finishing Mine Runner ahead of the Beta launch. Our new estimate is that we will be able to show this off around New Year's. Q: Will there be any further utility for transports? Such as earning a % of alternative transport income? A: We are being mindful of the regulations and the interest of the SEC on the NFT and gaming space, so expect us to move cautiously when it come down to distribution of funds to the community. We are getting real good advice from a legal firm we have contracted to make sure we are covering all of our bases. The idea of distributing funds from our in-game public transports to vehicle holders is something we can take to the legal and the design team to consider. In addition, last week we asked the community for suggestions on ideas for added transport utility. We did this because we heard your concerns and would love to implement some of them, if feasible. Q: When will distribution of staking rewards start? Will it include royalties since secondary trading started? Will someone staking from day one get rewards from the same pool as those who staked yesterday? A: Distribution rewards are still planned for Q4. We have onboarded a compliance team to make sure that we're dotting our i's and crossing our t's when it comes to distributions. Yes, staking rewards will include royalties since secondary trading began. The longer you stake and participate in growing the platform, the higher the multiplier is for your distribution rewards. Q: Is Netvrk exposed to FTX in any kind of way? A: Netvrk is not affected in any way by what happened with FTX. In fact, we dont hold any substantial company funds in any CEX. Q: What’s the utility for the NTVRK token? And how will it work together with the different tokens mentioned in the whitepaper? A: I believe this is a misunderstanding of the in-game currency system and how it relates to the NTVRK token. There isn't a new token in the game, there are two in-game currencies; Prime and Premium. Prime is gained from in-game action, like the mining game. Premium is brought into the world by trading either NTVRK or fiat money. There will be transactions in the game that will require Prime, while others will require Premium. We will encourage using NTVRK token to purchase Premium by awarding them at a discount over fiat, but we want to allow fiat purchases because of the pool of players who haven't yet learned how to use blockchain. The other utility for NTVRK will be with the Creation Engine and the Marketplace. NFT sales, either those created by our development team or, maybe more importantly, those created through the Creation Engine and those from outside brands, will be done through NTVRK sales. We have a number of brands and celebrities that want to have space in the Netvrk Metaverse and want to bring their products in. The NTVRK chain will be the way they do so.